داستان آبیدیک

spatial manifold


1 فلسفه:: منیفولد فضایی

Thus, the instantiation might be unconditioned reality plus positioning in a spatial manifold; or uncondi- tioned reality plus an instantiating element in a particular instance of uncon- ditioned reality (making a composite reality); or unconditioned reality plus a discrete thought in the mind of God, etc. Recall that an instantiation (say, I2 ) must be pure un- conditioned reality plus an instantiating factor (say, a position in a spatial manifold, or an element of individuation). implies a location; a location, in turn, implies that intelligibility is restricted to a relative position, which means it is conditioned by a spatial manifold (or some other contemporaneous manifold that can hold together distinct relative positions " here" and " there" simultaneously). If the spatial manifold does not exist, then the relative position does not exist; and if the relative position does not exist, then intelligibility in that relative position does not exist either. implies distinct instances of realities within a group; and this group implies some kind of contemporaneous unification of the individuals in that group (such as a spatial manifold) which, in turn, im- plies dependency on this contemporaneously unifying manifold for both in- telligibility and existence (for if a spatial manifold did not exist, the individuals within the group could not be contemporaneously unified, and therefore, there would be nothing about which to ask the question " How many?"

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